Thursday, October 27, 2011


This is by far the most lovely fall I can remember.  I would like to press the pause button so I can savor it just a little longer....

I love the view out our side living room window.  The picture does not do it justice.  The way the sun filters through the leaves and fills the living room with a golden, autumny glow..... ahhhhh.

That same beautiful tree extends up to our bedroom window and it's the first thing I see when I open our curtains in the morning.  Soon it will be bare and covered in snow....which has its own beauty I suppose. ;) 

and now for your entertainment....these are the faces of Gil as I was backing out of the driveway.  Doesn't he look desolate?

and then he flopped down on the ground and probably fell asleep. :) 

Now....I need to go be a flurry of productivity.  There is cleaning and baking and preparing for the weekend to be done!  I'm looking forward to our annual ladies conference at the chapel this Saturday.  The theme is hospitality.  Can't wait to hear what the Lord has put on Nancy's heart.  My mom is coming and we're hosting a couple ladies from Kansas.  It's going to be fun!

Saturday, October 22, 2011



I know I have been neglecting my blog.  It happens.  Especially this time of year.  Life gets busier and busier.  It's a good busy....filled with wonderful things....but sometimes I just have to stop and rest.  There are a million things I could blog about, not to mention the blog I started a few weeks ago about our one year anniversary.  It's taking a little time because I'm going to share some moments and memories from our wedding day.  :) 

For now I will just bask in the beauty of this day.  It has been a most perfect Saturday. 


slept in.  I let Ry sleep in longer than me because he had a super busy week and he sure does love his sleep. ;) 

Enjoyed lunch at Waterfront Deli as we talked about baby names.  Nope. Not pregnant. :)

Drove out to Stone's Apple Orchard where we bought some apples of course, as well as cider, and a "p'nutty" caramel apple to share later.  YUM. 

Held hands as we drove on a country road and soaked in some Midwestern beauty.  Windows down. Sun shining. Kings of Leon singing to us. 

Took Gil for a walk at Sunderbruch.  Burned off some calories and then sat on a bench and ate aforementioned caramel apple. :)  I don't even need to tell you it was delicious. 

I really was a sweet time just being together.  I took my camera along with me today but didn't even use it.  I really just wanted to enjoy the time with my favorite person and not be distracted with taking pictures.

Thank you Lord for this day.  It was just what I needed.